Back End Services that matter

Run your PPO/FFS Pedo Practice like a Franchise without being one.
Improve EBITDA by 2-5%.

Centralized Revenue Cycle

We understand pediatric dental practices, especially those with patient loads of over 50 kids per day. It's very hard to keep track of everything and to find and fix the daily ongoing operational issues.

In high volume pediatric practices, Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is the heart of the business. It's where all the patients are verified and also all the payments are posted. How do you perform this task at scale? How do you lower costs?

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A picture of 4 people holding their hands
A picture of a Robot

Operations and Automation

Does your practice receive anywhere between 50-100 calls per day? New patient, existing, billing questions. How are all these calls and contact relationships managed?

Our Operations and Automation Team from Pediatric Dental Brands of South Florida provides the platform that can help you automate all these tasks, therefore, reducing expenses and increasing the opportunities to invest where it is relevant: patient experience & care and marketing.

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SoFlo Pediatrician 

As more practices open near your area, strengthening the relationships with local pediatricians in key. Our Pediatrician Referral network is a great opportunity to lower the patient acquisition cost.

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A picture of an agent explaining terms to a client
A picture depicting a remote workstation

Remote Employees

We know how difficult it is to hire in South Florida at $15 to $25 per hour for non revenue generated positions like Front Desk, Treatment Coordinator or Office Managers.

We have established offshoring in a way that reduces your hourly bill to $9/hour for the same tasks. In many cases, these are also automated but those that remain will be delivered consistently.

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Local Marketing
& Patient Experience.

Why compete for the same PPO/FFS patients. This only increases the acquisition cost. Why not partner under one brand-umbrella to reduce the patient acquisition cost and still achieve a healthy 100 new patients a month.

Times are changing very fast in South Florida. Let Pediatric Dental Brands do the heavy lifting of marketing, optimizing conversions and ROI Tracking within your Dental Software in order for all to jointly maximize the investment in marketing via Adwords, Instagram, Tiktoc or Facebook.

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Human Resource, Technology and Ancillary Services

Need help on HR, Technology, Supply and any other? From setting up new computers to managing all of them. From negotiating with suppliers.

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